Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Post-Workshops Samson Munn, Samson Munn, medical doctor, B.A. in psychology, University California, Berkely, M.D. from Boston University.Professor at Tufts University ( Boston) and chief of the Dept. of Medical Imaging at Kaiser-Permanente Mdical Center, Santa Rosa California and involved in intensive dialogue work
since 1992. Citizenship of Israel,Poland and US, Germany in litigation. Formerly Assitant Professor at Tufts University (Boston), now Meical Center Santa Rosa, California. Samson Munn's father was born in Poland and survived the Lodz ghetto, Auschitz and Görlitz. His mother was born in Aurich (Germany) and survived Auschwitz, Gräbern und Bergen-Belsen.

3690 Rocky Way, Santa Rosa, CA 955404 0904 USA
phone: 001-707 527 6554 email: - www.thefoundationtrust


workshop 6 hours together with Björn Krondorfer

Beginning to know Ourselves and the Other
Collective Wisdom will be engendered in this day through the process of joint story-telling, story-listening and highly personal and internpersonal exploration. The wisdom will relate to commonalities of identity as human, and recognition and observation of responsibility for the "Other", philosophically and in deed/action. The experience in that workshop will be intensely personal and private, but shared in this rare and private session. Participants introduce themselves - to each other and to "themselves" - in honestly personal terms, exploring biographies and identities fo each other ( and in so doing themselves). Questions and themes may arise in this private setting, which may not be posed or supported in routine life. Sometimes a comment needs no reply; at other times, a reply may be respectfully given or declined.We shall have intensive personal and interpersonal dialogues. The simplicity is stunning: non religious, not deliberately therapeutic and political. A secure group of individuals whose life experiences stem, directly or indirectly from varied sides of genocide and conflict. Individuals who agree on historical fundamentals serious and somtimes hard-nosed engagement all day (well beyond merely polite) in the country or city of the genocidal event(s), only occasionally, for the facilitators to inject poignant perspective and constructive analysis. Meeting in Germany, where the original events occurred, tkaes due advandage of the effects of heard language, of tone, interpersonal styles and sometimes even of landscape and of aromas, which can engender highly personal respones.


Wissende Felder